LessonNote – Une application iPad gratuite pour Lesson Study
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Lesson Study Alliance a dévéloppé LessonNote, et l’application Web LessonNote Pro, pour accompagner Lesson Study efficace.
LessonNote, une application gratuite trouvée sur l’App Store, vous aide à documenter le cours d’une leçon et son impact sur les élèves, avec à la fois des données quantitatives et qualitatives.
Au centre le LessonNote
The heart of LessonNote is a seating chart populated with icons representing students, teachers, groups, and displays (such as a blackboard). Tapping on an icon, or dragging from one icon to another, opens a note-taking area at the bottom.
The heart of LessonNote is a seating chart populated with icons representing students, teachers, groups, and displays (such as a blackboard). Tapping on an icon, or dragging from one icon to another, opens a note-taking area at the bottom.
Insert photos, move, resize, and annotate. Insert a seating chart and annotate.
Record transitions between different modalities.
Review notes in single column or three-column formats, and see statistics about the lesson.