Letting students in on the secret in a TTP lesson

The core of a Teaching Through Problem-solving (TTP) lesson involves presenting students with a problem that requires that they learn some new mathematics. For students to focus their energy productively, it helps them to know what that new mathematics is – at least...

Learning goals should describe cognitive change

A surprisingly difficult but critically important part of designing a lesson is establishing the learning goals. Many teachers write learning goals in the form of behavioral outcomes: “Students will be able to…” Frequently this is what their administrators want, and...
The choice of numbers matters!

The choice of numbers matters!

I am looking at a lesson research proposal for grade 5 on division of decimal values by a whole number. The problem the team plans to use is 4.26 ÷ 3, and their goal is for students to discover that the same processes they use to model division with whole numbers...